~ William Ruckelshaus
This week we celebrated World Environment Day. This special day was created in 1972 as a way to bring about environmental awareness on a global level. Each year, the United Nations selects a theme for World Environment Day (WED). The theme this year was Think.Eat.Save. It was designed as a way to provide a focus on reducing our global footprint by limiting food waste. There are many ways that you can support WED any time of the year, and one way the United Nations Environment Program suggests is to have an art show!
By creating art that highlights this year’s theme of food waste and loss, you can do your part to help spread awareness. The art can be created using recycled materials, natural and sustainable elements, or art that is created to showcase food waste.
You don’t have to create an entire art show to increase awareness. You can teach your kids about the environment by making re-cycled or up-cycled crafts. Kate from Embracing Life’s Journey made this great bird feeder using only up-cycled materials.
If you have an area in your school that is just screaming for an art installation, why not have all of the kids bring in plastic bottles and create a beautiful trash to treasure chandelier like the one below created by artist Stuart Haygarth.
Did your school or your family take part in World Environment Day? What did you do to help teach your children about environmental awareness? Let us know so that we can share it with our readers. Also, stay tuned to next week’s blog, where we will be showcasing what Original Works does to be a good environmental steward.
To learn more about World Environment Day and what you can do to make a difference, check out their website at: https://www.unep.org/wed/.