Artwork Instructions - Original Works
Artwork Instructions

Artwork Instructions: Create Great Art!

Great artwork is at the heart of our programs.  We strongly encourage you to follow our Art Instructions. You can download a copy below.  Also, take a few minutes to view our video tips and FAQ section.

* Please remember that artwork is produced as is.  We do not crop, manipulate, enhance or otherwise change the artwork that is submitted to us. 


For the best results we recommend that you use a high-quality art paper with a paper weight of 60-70#.

Standard copy paper is too thin and items on the back can show through onto the finished products.

The short answer is yes. However, often construction paper will not reproduce true to color. Depending on the quality of the paper, blues can look purple, blacks can be green, etc.
If you use construction paper, please note that it will be at your own risk. We will not be able to process Fix-Its on orders for color corrections.

For the best results we recommend that you use a high-quality art paper with a paper weight of 60-70#.

All of our products are selected and setup so that your 8 1/2″ x 11″ image is properly proportional on all products. We do not allow different sized paper, because doing so would cause the resulting image to be disproportional on the completed products.


We suggest using any of the following:

  • Crayons (press hard, and use the darker colors for best results)
  • Markers
  • Tempera or Acrylic Paints
  • Paper Collages (be sure to glue all the edges down)
  • Photos
  • Bold Intense Watercolors
  • Black Marker for outlining

Do NOT use these:

  • Glitter of any kind
  • Abrasives (sand, salt, etc.)
  • 3D Materials
  • Scratch art/Scratch board
  • Copyright/trademark items

We understand that kids LOVE glitter and it can add a pretty sparkle to an art project.  However, when the artwork is scanned the glitter actually reflects the light and that fun sparkle is lost, which results in dark specs.

It also can get into our equipment, and that’s not so pretty either!  So we ask that you save the glitter and shine for another project.

This includes ALL types of glitter- sprinkled, crayons, markers, glue, paint, etc. 

They may look shiny and bright on paper, but they simply do not reproduce with the same vivid brightness. Often the colors will appear dull and not true to color (ex.: pinks will look purple)
So, to avoid disappointment, we ask that you avoid the glow and shine and stay with more traditional colors for this project.


We are sure you know what a mess it can be working with pastels. Often in transit, they can smudge and stick together, and create an even bigger mess.

If you choose to use oil or chalk pastels, please do so with caution. They MUST be sprayed with a fixative such as Krylon #1311 Matte Fixative.

PRO TIP:  Rub your hand across the artwork. We will not process them if:

  • Color comes off or it feels sticky or scratchy
  • There is glitter or chalk

If you are using colored pencils for your projects, be sure to press hard! If students color too lightly it can be hard to reproduce. 


Yes! Bright, bold colors look great. Just use caution and go easy on the amount of water used.

Please don’t add salt to the paint. The salt can be abrasive and scratch our equipment. It can also impact the appearance of the final products by casting lines on the image.

Glue is accepted as long as it is completely dry with no sharp peaks and there are no gobs that chip off. 

Abrasives are just that… abrasive. Sand, salt, globs of glue or paint. These can all create scratches on our equipment which will in turn appear on products.

A good way to check if you think paint could be too think, or something “scratchy” could be on it, is to lightly rub your hand over the artwork.  If paint is rough or flakes off, we will not process it.


3D objects first of all are not 3D when reproduced which can lead to disappointment. They often will lead to shadowing and become flattened during our production process.
Some common 3D objects include:

  • Cotton balls
  • Foam cutouts
  • Wiggly eyes
  • Feathers
  • Yarn

We don’t recommend this.  Please know that acetate will sometimes alter the colors visually because of how the scanner light hits the surface. 

If you do use it, please to be sure to firmly affix the laminations/acetate and ensure that it is cut to the correct size with no hang over.



Based on federal regulations, we can’t accept any Trademark or Copyright images or logos. This includes brand names, emojis, video game or cartoon characters, stickers, cutout or torn pages from magazines and news print.

We encourage you to be creative! Please don’t send in pages torn from a coloring book.


Full bleed products are products where the artwork goes right to the edge of the product, and in some cases wraps around the edge. It is possible that anything within 1” from the edge of the original artwork could be cutoff on the final product . The colorful artwork should still go right to the edge of the 8 ½” X 11” paper, but we strongly suggest any important details (names, dates, heads etc.) a customer wants to see on the finished products be at least 1” away from the edge.

Products that are considered full bleed (image goes right to the edge and trimmed in production) in our current line include:

  • Lens Cloth
  • Ceramic Tile Trivet
  • Mouse Pads
  • All Ornaments
  • Key Chains
  • Matted Prints
  • Purse Mirrors
  • All Magnets

For Original Works’ full bleed products where the artwork image goes right to the edge of the product and in some cases wraps around the edge (like the purse mirrors), it is always possible (and likely) that anything within that 1” from edge range on the original artwork will be trimmed off. The colorful artwork should still go right to the edge of the 8 ½” X 11” paper, but we strongly suggest any important details a customer wants to see on the finished products be at least 1” away from the edge, or be made large enough (like a sun in the corner) to accommodate trimming.

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