OriginalWorks » Page 10


Catholic School Fundraising

Catholic schools are on a mission: to educate their students in the Catholic faith as well as to provide them with the knowledge and skills that will help these young people go on to live productive and happy lives. Catholic school fundraisers are an important part of fulfilling that mission. Yet, unlike public schools, Catholic

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Christmas Fundraising

Christmas Fundraising Ideas For Schools   We know you’ve seen it all when it comes to Christmas fundraising ideas for schools, churches, synagogues, clubs or community groups. Home come the catalogs with the same old sales items like wrapping paper, flavored popcorn, holiday-themed trinkets, Christmas cards, etc. Pretty generic, and meaningless to family and friends

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Elementary School Fundraising: Top 5 School Fundraising Problems & Solutions

Elementary School Fundraising Elementary school fundraisers are an important part of raising money for all sorts of projects, activities, events and charities. Have you had enough of the same old candy, gift wrap, cookie fundraisers? Looking for something fresh, unique and profitable? Then take a few moments and learn why thousands of elementary schools around

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Middle School Fundraising

  Original Works Programs aren’t just for the younger students! We have many schools taking part in successful  middle school fundraising programs year after year. Finding The Right Fundraiser For Middle School Students We know that as students get older, finding a fun and engaging middle school fundraiser can be a challenge.  In addition to

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Colorado Regional Sales Manager

Debbie was born and raised in Vermont. One month after graduating from The University of Vermont with a BS in Elementary Education, she packed up her VW bus  (yes, it was the late 70’s!) and headed west to Colorado to visit her sister. She never left! Debbie’s two children attended Larkspur Elementary School, where she

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Fundraising Ideas for School Clubs

  Art Fundraising for School Clubs Searching for fun, creative fundraising ideas for your school club? With more and more funding being cut from our school systems, having fundraisers that produce extra income for art and music programs has become an essential tool. Fundraising brings a sense of cooperation to your school by bringing students,

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5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue

This week we are excited to feature a guest blogger Jessica Sanders,  the Director of Social Outreach for Learn2Earn.   She shares “5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue” Fundraiser fatigue affects everyone: students, teachers, parents, volunteers administrators and donors.  Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice much to avoid this common problem.  Here are five ways you can

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