OriginalWorks » Page 11


Teacher of the Quarter

MR. WILLIAM  BECKHAM- ART TEACHER OF THE QUARTER Our featured Art Educator this Spring Season is Mr. Beckham  from Charles Pinckney Elementary in SC. How long have you been teaching art? I have been an art teacher for the past 12 years! 🙂 What grades do you teach? I teach 3rd – 5th grade and I currently

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Tips on Creating Great Artwork For an Original Works Fundraiser

Across the globe, art classes are beginning their Original Works projects.  The student masterpieces will be turned into cherished keepsakes, and will become holiday gifts for many.  Each year we are privileged to process several hundred thousand pieces of individual student artwork.  With this volume of artwork being created and submitted, we thought this would be

Tips on Creating Great Artwork For an Original Works Fundraiser Read More »

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