OriginalWorks » Page 12


Art and Autism Awareness

“True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist”  ~Albert Einstein  April is Autism Awareness month.  As an art-based fundraising company, what better way to wrap up the month than to provide an update on a recent collaboration between The Autism Society of America and the American Art Therapy Association. Last year, the two

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“Find color in your world every day!” ~Anonymous This quote is at the bottom of Becky Sullivan’s signature line on her email.  She is the art teacher at South, West & Graff Schools in Laurel, MT. We were first inspired by Ms. Sullivan back in January when she entered our Good Works contest.   As part

810 STUDENTS A WEEK..WOW! Read More »

Creative Preschool Fundraiser

Preschool Fundraising With Artwork Even the tiniest artists can participate in our Original Works preschool fundraising program! Original Works fundraisers do not require any door-door selling, and offer a unique and “healthy” alternative to fundraising. Our Preschools have been very successful with our See Before You Buy (SBYB) and Original Programs (OP).  Both of these programs are a perfect way

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