OriginalWorks » Page 14


Original Works Art Olympics

 “Holding an Olympic Games means evoking history.”  ~Pierre de Coubertin Friday kicked off the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.  Many families tuned in to watch the opening ceremonies and will be cheering on Team USA in the following weeks. How are you celebrating the Olympics?  Have you found fun ways to incorporate it into your […]

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Blogs that Original Works Loves

“A blog is in many ways a continuing conversation. ” ~ Andrew Sullivan This week I’m blogging about blogs that inspire our fundraising company!  Blogs come in many forms and can be a great resource for advice, ideas and even humor.  I wanted to share with you some of our favorite blogs, I hope that

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Online Resources for Teachers

Online Resources for Teachers “A Teacher affects eternity; she can never tell, where her influence stops.” ~ Henry Brooks Adams Last week we focused on how fundraisers can benefit Elementary schools, and will be featuring more of this in future posts.  This week I thought we would continue the theme by offering a look at

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