~Dr. Seuss “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”
It is interesting what we remember and what we don’t from our childhood. I don’t remember details of my birthday parties, holidays, or details of family vacations; however, I have vivid memories centered on books. I can remember exactly where I was and what piece of furniture I was on when I was reading certain books. I remember the smells of both my elementary school and local libraries.
I remember signing my name on my very first library card. I remember my elementary school librarian and the way her white shoes squeaked with every step she took. I can even recall where all of my favorite books were located in the library.
I remember each book, the characters, how I felt when reading them, and the
fanciful journey each one took me on while I was reading them.
This Saturday we celebrate the birthday of beloved children’s author, Dr. Seuss.
Dr. Seuss books are among some of my favorites. Through fanciful illustrations and wonderful rhymes, Dr. Seuss offers your imagination free reign to escape into magical lands.
To mark this special occasion, the National Education Association has created National Read Across America Day. What a fantastic way to introduce your children to the world of Dr. Seuss, or to other amazing authors.
Elementary school teachers decorate their doors to celebrate
the contributions Dr. Seuss has made to childhood education and creativity.
I hope that you are able to take some time this week to rediscover Dr. Seuss with your family, class, or with yourself. If you are looking for creative ways to further explore the wonderful world of Dr. Seuss, please visit our Pinterest board for ideas: https://pinterest.com/originalworks/holiday-fun/.