-Bo Bennett
As we settle into our newly established routines, teachers must inspire and motivate their students to maintain that back to school enthusiasm throughout the school year. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for teachers and all that they do for our children. Creating fun, imaginative, and inspiring learning environments on a regular basis, is an art form that our children interact with on a daily basis, but one that we as parents don’t get to see as often.
Laurie Butler Scarecrow Door
Vibrant bulletin boards reinforcing the current lesson or displaying the latest artwork are show pieces that brighten up the hallways and put a smile on our children’s faces. Katie Morris created the unique bulletin board below which invites students to match the artist name, with their corresponding snowman likeness or art movement.
Katie Morris from artteacheradventures.blogspot.com created an amazing Art History Snowmen board.
Looking for some inspiration for your next bulletin board or classroom door? Visit our Pinterest page of Festive Doors and Bulletin Boards to see the examples above and many more. We would love for you to share with us your most creative bulletin boards from this year or years past. Please send us the photo’s and we will add them to our Pinterest page as away to help inspire other teachers.
As always, I hope you enjoy!