~ William Prince
I think it’s safe to say that the sentiment above is being uttered by teachers everywhere this time of the year! It’s true, the end of the school year is upon us, and the summer months lay ahead. It is also the perfect time of year to show your child’s teacher how much what they have done throughout the school year has meant to you and your children. We have compiled a few of our favorite end of the year gift ideas, and posted them below:
What teacher doesn’t love coffee or tea? By taking the lid off of our Stainless Travel Mug and nesting it under the mug, you can then fill the inside with your teachers favorite candy, or do as we have here, and fill it with decorative grass and top it with a coffee shop gift card! By placing your child’s artwork on the front of the travel mug, the gift recipient will have a personalized reminder of them and the school year.
Pencils and pens are one of those items that seem to disappear throughout the school year, so why not replenish your teachers supply? By personalizing our Grande Mug and filling it with pencils topped with fun flowers, your teacher has something functional for their classroom, and something fun for them!
Last, but certainly not least, if you are looking for a great gift to allow your child’s teacher to relax and enjoy their summer, take a look at this wonderful gift below. By personalizing our Drawstring Tote, you have created the perfect bag to fill with summer fun! Fill the bag with a beach towel, a pair of new sunglasses, and our Stainless Steel Water Bottle, and it is the perfect gift to bring to the pool or to the beach.
No matter what you decide to gift your teacher, we hope that you take the time to acknowledge all of the hard work that they have put in throughout the school year to help your child thrive. If you are looking for even more gift ideas for your teacher, please visit our e-Store https://www.originalworks.com/store/.