~ Salvador Dali
This month we celebrate Youth Art Month!
Celebrated every March for over fifty years, Youth Art Month (YAM) strives to gain public support of art programs across the country, and stresses the importance of art and art education in the lives of our children. The following are a few of the key goals of Youth Art Month:
- To direct attention to the value of art education.
- To increase support for art education.
- To expand art programs and stimulate new ones.
- To recognize art education as a viable component in the total education curricula.
This month, schools across the country unite in a common effort to spread awareness and celebrate the arts. Schools host art shows displaying student artwork, host local art events, participate using the national theme – “Art Shapes the World!” or celebrate using their own ideas.
2012 flag design winner Diana B. and her
mother at the flag winners event in Washington, DC.
Is your school participating in this national effort for art advocacy? If so, we would love to hear what you are doing and see pictures of your artwork!
Are you still looking for ways to incorporate Youth Art Month in your curriculum? Here are a few links full of ideas. These links are courtesy of New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA):