Monster Collage
Great for Kindergarten!

Lesson Learning Targets:
I am learning about:
● Craftsmanship
● Scissor safety
Day One:
Learning Target:
I am learning about craftsmanship so that my work is neat and shows my best skills. I know I got it when I can make a monster face and hide the glue in my work.
- Demonstrate how to pick 3 different colors of paper and glue them to the Original Works paper (the construction paper is a little bigger than the OW paper so you’ll have to trim the edges at the end).
- Have the OW paper vertical and glue 2 different colors horizontally one above the
other so they meet in the center of the paper and completely cover the OW paper. - Glue the 3rd paper horizontally right in the middle. Show how to glue with good craftsmanship.
- Let students choose paper, work and give the rest of instructions when they’re ready. Demonstrate how to pick 2 strips of paper and glue them over the seams of the bigger paper. This creates lots of fun stripes and covers seams where bigger papers meet.
Day Two:
Learning Target:
I am learning about craftsmanship so that my work is neat and shows my best skills. I know I got it when I can make a monster face and hide the glue in my work.
- Demonstrate how to glue eyes down with the white oval under the black circle. Show them how the placement of ovals and circles gives their monster lots of expression.
- Let students work and give the rest of instructions when ready.
Learning Target:
I am learning about scissor safety so those around me and I won’t get hurt. I know I got it when I follow the scissor safety rules (may have to teach what those are…).
- Remind students of scissor safety as you demonstrate. Show how to draw a “U” for a mouth or maybe a zig zag line for more expression.
- Cut out and glue down the mouth. Smile and laugh with your monster!
- As a finishing touch, trim the excess construction paper with a paper cutter.
Special thanks to Rebecca Leonardy, Art Educator @ Colorado for this lesson plan!
Age Group
Grades K-1
2- 45 minute classes
● 3 different colors of 6×12 construction paper (have a variety of colors for choice)
● 2 1×9 construction paper strips (have a variety of colors for choice)
● 2 white ovals
● 2 black circles
● 1 Black rectangle
● Pencil
● Scissors
● Glue
● Original Works paper